Pear OS 8 was released recently. Pear OS main goal is to be an Ubuntu/Debian based Linux Operating System for Desktop, Notebook, Phones and Tablets. Pear OS 8 is based on GNOME but look and feel is similar and inspired from newly released Apple iOS7. Pear Cloud is the newly included feature in Pear OS 8 to backup and sync data over the internet. Select the drive that has 'USB' listed (using arrow keys and the Enter button to select). Now your booting up into Pear OS! It may take a little bit to boot up, (Depending on your computer's specs) but now you are free to explore and enjoy Pear OS 8! If you really like it you can Install it along side, or instead of Windows. Site oficial da Pear Company. This site was designed with the. Pear OS is a Linux distribution developed and specifically built to resemble a Mac OS system, but despite this “flaw” it's a lot better than you would imagine.
submitted by ∗usmleuser007(444), 2019-06-24T16:23:14Z
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“Zorin OS 15 is just so clean and polished. I don’t really anticipate a learning curve for new users.”

“Zorin OS is without question one of the best Linux distros currently available”
“It has everything in terms of offering a friendly and usable experience to those coming from… Windows or macOS”
“When speed is of the essence, Zorin OS really shines”
Easy to use
A powerful desktop you already know how to use.
Pear Os 8 Download
Zorin OS is designed to be easy, so you won't need to learn anything to get started. The Zorin Appearance app lets you change the desktop to resemble the environment you're familiar with, whether it's Windows, macOS, or Linux.
Rock solid & reliable.

Built on an Ubuntu & Linux foundation, Zorin OS runs on the same Open Source software that powers the U.S. Department of Defense, NASA, and more.
Resistant to viruses.
Thanks to Linux's advanced security features, Zorin OS is resistant to viruses. Security patches and software updates are available for years to come.
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Speedy on computers old & new.
Zorin OS works lightning fast and doesn't slow down with updates. The Lite edition runs snappy on computers as old as 15 years, so you can breathe new life into old PCs.
Apps & Games
The power to do anything.
From a full Microsoft Office-compatible office suite to professional photo editing software, Zorin OS comes with powerful apps out of the box. Countless more apps and games are available from the Software store and Steam.
Your data belongs to you.
We believe privacy is a fundamental human right. That's why Zorin OS doesn't collect personal data, so advertisers and governments can't spy on your activity. Because Zorin OS is Open Source, anyone can view its source code to ensure its security. It also comes with a firewall, so you can stay safe from attempts to compromise your information.
Your office documents, music, videos and photos simply work. You can even run many Windows apps using Wine.
You can install Zorin OS alongside Windows or macOS, and choose which OS to use at boot-up.
Pear Os Download

Zorin OS is translated into over 50 languages and comes pre-loaded with assistive technologies.