
  1. Stuinfo Confidential Message
  2. Ost Info

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What is StuInfo?

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  • You are here: Home » The Process » Notification of Awards » Check Your Aid in StuInfo; Check Your Aid in StuInfo What is StuInfo? StuInfo is MSU's gateway to student records. Students use StuInfo to view their course schedules and grades, and view and pay their bills, in addition to tracking their financial aid.
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Stuinfo Confidential Message

StuInfo is MSU's gateway to student records. Students use StuInfo to view their course schedules and grades, and view and pay their bills, in addition to tracking their financial aid.

What is Financial Aid (check your aid)?

Check Your Aid is MSU's online financial aid tracking service. It is part of StuInfo and takes you step by step through the process of applying for aid and completing other tasks that may be required before your aid can be paid to your account.


Ost Info


To use this service, login to StuInfo either as a student or guest, then select Financial Aid (check your aid) from the Quick Links menu.

What can I do in StuInfo/Check Your Aid?

  • View your financial aid package
  • Accept, reduce or decline your student loans
  • Complete your loan promissory note(s)
  • Notify us of additional aid or resources not listed in your aid package
  • Notify us if you have a graduate assistantship so that we can award your aid correctly
  • Check for any holds on your account which might affect enrollment or aid disbursement
  • Confirm your attendance at MSU
  • Apply for summer financial aid
  • Check the status of a Parent PLUS or Grad PLUS loan

Guest access to StuInfo/Check Your Aid

Students may grant access to StuInfo to their parents, spouse or others through the Online Guest Authorization process. The student determines who may have access and determines which areas of StuInfo the guest may have access to.


Guests may view most of the pages in Check Your Aid (and parents with guest access may apply for and track the status of their PLUS loans) but only students may take actions such as accepting loans, completing student loan promissory notes, and applying for summer aid.

For more information, see our page on guess access to StuInfo.