- Pros-The discount is very generous if you're looking at it from a consumer point of view. That's how they get you to think it's so 'amazing'. Really, the hefty discount off products is just the company selling it's employees products at the same price the company paid for it.
- List your top 3 favorite challenge sites, other than HackThis!! Feel free to list why they’re your favorite. 1) canyouhack.it - The challenges are pretty simple, but some are challenging.
“You’re really going to hate all the bros in that neighborhood.”
This is a common response I heard from native Austinites, when I told them I was moving to West Campus. I had lived in the South Congress neighborhood before urban gentrification made it too expensive and uncool, and lived in San Marcos for four years before that (no, I didn’t go to Texas State, my ex did. I went to a good school), so I was well aware of the pitfalls of living in a college neighborhood. But West Campus seemed like a fun place to live in the wake of a bad relationship: affordable urban apartments for a renting bachelor, walkable greenbelts and retail strips, hip hangouts, a reliable public transport hub with bicycle paths for the eco-friendly, young residents of certain minimum education/class, and in close proximity to downtown, with its ample opportunities: professional, recreational, and social.
The college I went to in Dallas had no well-established fraternities. Mostly because there wasn’t much in the way of sports teams to root for. We had no football, baseball, or basketball team. Instead, we had a Class 3 nuclear license and a particle accelerator in the basement. It wasn’t much in the way of student life, but it was a great and cost-effective education. Honestly, I didn’t think of college as a means to have a social life, and neither did most of my peers. Most of my ‘friends’ (the people I actually ‘hung out’ with during downtime) in that time of my life were local people I knew from working, not from college. So I was a little unprepared to deal with the social ramifications of the common Greek/Roman mentality here in Austin.
Mu Family Villa. Mu Wanqi leaned on the sofa and flipped through her phone. She spent money to scramble Mu Nuannuan’s interview to the top of the topic list, and bought a large number of navy soldiers to scold Mu Nuannuan below, even those web pages with different opinions. The car stopped in front of a high-end clubhouse with a high level of privacy. Emma Mao paused when she was about to release the seat belt, and looked suspiciously at “Jamie”: “Eating here” He was sure that Harry Mao was not here to play, glanced at her, opened the door and got out of the car.
And I must say, the college fraternities themselves haven’t been that bad. For the most part, they stick to their houses or certain bars, and are easy to avoid. The worst nuisance I’ve ever put up with from them was being able to faintly hear trap music in my bedroom at late hours… Well that, and once, on the Drag, I was put a bit in the middle of an awkward social situation, where a fraternity bro was suggestively cat-calling a very uninterested woman in a way so obnoxiously obscene that it made me feel bad for both of them. You know, one of those ‘lines’ that was so awful, it prompts you to ask mentally, or possibly even aloud, “Does that EVER work?” I’ve only personally seen that happen once, but I’m sure it happens more often than civil people would like.
This isn’t an apologist article for college fraternities, and in no way do I mean to imply that they have ‘gotten better’ or have improved their behavior. Boys will be boys; there are the stereotypes of douchey frats, and I am sure those tropes are fulfilled within those (private) communities. I don’t really appreciate that culture, so I don’t go to those parties. I kinda feel bad for people who get sucked into that world of whacked-out values and Mommy and Daddy-funded ‘group friendships’ that make you do stuff you regret later in life, but I don’t see the frat bros as a personal threat to me. It does suck when they have too much influence over people you care about, though. You can steer yourself away from that kind of d-baggery, but you can’t save everyone from it.
And who knows, maybe some of those organizations and their memberships are good, and teach valuable life skills to over-privileged young adults. Maybe some of them make community service a part of membership. Maybe the benevolence or malevolence of a frat’s culture depends on the crop of kids that year, or the alums running the show. I try not to assume things about individuals due to their affiliation, or lack thereof, with certain groups. And I’m sure there are plenty of lower-class dudes who didn’t have the brains to get into college, and can’t afford fraternity dues, yet still drink too much and date rape girls. But such cretins most likely can’t be found in hip, trendy neighborhoods.
I guess my point is: even as a 3/4 scale, long-haired, bespectacled computer nerd, who has been a life-long natural enemy of the jock/bro kind of bullies, as an adult, I don’t feel threatened, living down the street from them. And that’s coming from someone who got bullied by these kind of people most of his childhood and young adulthood. Being bullied drove me into martial arts as a child, and most martial artists hate bullies, often to a point of becoming bullies to bullies, but I digress…
By the time jocky, over-privileged alpha male bullies get to college, they seem more inwardly focused, or at least, focused on their immediate fraternal communities, and typically pay a guy like me little to no mind. Which is fine. Let them do their thing in their backyard, and let me do my thing with my weirdo hipster middle-aged friends in mine. At least if the fraternity guys fuck up badly enough, they get thrown out of town, and that’s more than I can say of the locals who behave just as poorly or worse.
“If you want to have friends in this town, you’re going to have to start making concessions to the local agendas.”
What does bother me about Austin’s college town environment? The fact that everything is a fraternity here. That frat mentality seeps into every subculture, and ruins social environments that have nothing to do with college or fraternities/sororities, to a point where it often seems that there is no escape. Even those who will voluntarily go out of their way to tell you how much they hate the fraternity culture will still apply it to their scene in their own way. Nobody gives you the respect befitting an adult, right off the bat. You always have to ‘earn’ it by going through some bullshit initiation rites, everywhere you go.
And what I mean by that is simply: The local social establishments exist to exploit the new people in town. Almost universally. It’s ruthless social capitalism: the less socially established you are, the less your rights will be respected, the less accommodated you will be, and the more socially established you are, the more privilege you will have, the more exploitative you will be. And a lot of this is due to unstated but ubiquitous policies of ‘pack mentality’, ‘hazing’, ‘exclusivity’, and ‘paying dues’.
To a point where, I hate to say it but, you go to a Burn, and it’s still kind of fratty. It doesn’t take much tailoring to turn a cheerleader uniform into a go-go dancer’s outfit, pom-poms are easily replaced by fire poi, and beer-swilling d-bags with ‘tribal’ tattoos will follow those girls anywhere. In other words, the differences between a hippie ‘burn’ and a frat party are pretty superficial.
As beatnik as they supposedly are, it’s not uncommon to encounter douchey guys at Burning Man-style parties, often in leadership roles. They may be dressed like steampunks and hippies, but their social behavior and organization makes them effectively just another fraternity, albeit with different aesthetic tastes. Except instead of a fraternity of young, rich, clean-cut college guys, it’s a fraternity of sketchy, unstable hippies. So it’s kind of even worse than a straight-up college fraternity. Austin cliques often have the same weaknesses that fraternities have: groupthink and blind trust in eachother: ‘My bros would never do that, brah. We’re all ______ here.’ When it comes to misinformation, often all it takes is one or two trusted members of a tribe to become corrupted, and get the entire group to believe their lies.
These people talk about ‘community’ and being a boon to it. But in my experience, there is ‘community’, and then there is community, and mostly what these types of people mean when they say ‘community’ is their little clique, which is actually merely a tiny fraction of the local community at large. So, these people aren’t communists, they are clique-ists. And that’s really a polite way of saying ‘gangs’. They help themselves and their friends, often at the expense of the community.
And it doesn’t stop there. They have a Goth fraternity here, and it’s terrible. Pretty much the administrators of the kinky BDSM-style scene. Their social lives are dominated by sexual politics: sexual revenge, sexual competition, sex as a service to the pitied, sex as a means of business networking, sex with someone you don’t really like in order to make someone else jealous so they will have sex with you, climbing the sexual ladder by using sex partners as stepping stones, group sex due to group politics. Sex for every reason except love, it seems.
In fact, it’s often surprising to me how clean the college frats really are relative to these kinds of local underground, ‘secret societies’. Sex and drugs play huge roles in the local social orders, of young people especially, so whether they are fraternity/sorority people or not, you are probably still going to have to put up with fraternal BS, even from places you wouldn’t stereotypically expect. And this is very unappreciated by someone who is beyond college age, because no one wants to have the rules and practices of a fraternity govern their lives long after they have outgrown that whole scene. No one wants to be in a fraternity their whole lives. Or live in a town dominated by fraternal organizations. If the fact that college kids live like that is a little weird to you, then watching people attempt to apply these ‘frat social politics’ to adults will really seem ludicrous.
But the sad thing is that some people never grow out of it, and apply it to social arenas where it simply isn’t appropriate. And guess what? Those are the exact type of people who don’t leave Austin after graduating! So that creates a kind of local cultural inertia that favors fraternity-type social establishments, not just in the college community, but in the town itself. And it’s a very subtle, but all-too-real social order, one you can easily come to resent if you aren’t on the winning end of it.
It’s enough to make you want to join a church, but then you realize that’s a fraternity, too! Better behaved in most cases, perhaps, but more boring instead of fun, and just as exploitative of those eager to belong for sake of social acceptance… Or maybe you figure you’ll ditch the bourgeois, and go slumming with the proles, but then you encounter street gangs, and those are also like fraternities, complete with turf, hazing, and chain-of-command. ‘You gotta pay your dues if you want on this grind, brah’.
In the 90’s, I worked for Whole Foods in Dallas. The culture of that company, which was developed in Austin, is outwardly socialistic, but inwardly quite libertarian. So back in those days, the management used socialist rhetoric to convince college kids to bust ass for peanuts. The management of the establishment was older, privileged within the organization, and were stockholders. The employees, on the other hand, were kids getting paid $7 an hour. This experience should have prepared me for Austin’s society.
And don’t think when I say ‘fraternity’ I’m excluding women from my social criticism. We all know there are women who go along with those kinds of scenes, egging the whole debaucherous, hedonistic orgy on, and finding ways to hustle it, to fleece the flock. And these are often the same people who will tell you how ‘bad’ the college fraternities are. But in many cases, the local social groups are worse than the college fraternities in all the ways that fraternities are stereotypically thought of as ‘bad’: sexual exploitation, hard drug use, racketeering, grifting/bullying outsiders, cliquishness, one-upmanship, attacking inadequacies, turf wars, protectionism, superficiality over fashion, materialism, etc…
And it just goes on and on. Anything you can think of, from glass-blowing, to political activism, to bicycles, to musical performance, has a kind of exploitative local hierarchy associated with the interest. ‘If you wanna turn widgets around here, brah, you better get with the program.’ The cliques in Austin are very much like the ‘blocs’ of a communist confederation: minor details like fashion, music, and pastimes might vary between the groups, but the general tribal social mentality is everywhere, and that is often a bad thing to anyone who isn’t well-established with any particular tribe, or doesn’t really want to be: an outsider, eccentric recluse, or perhaps a multi-disciplinary generalist.
But just because someone happens to fall into an ‘individualist’ category doesn’t mean they don’t want rights or their needs fulfilled, and that’s what makes ‘liberal’ Austin suck for individuals who have integrity: groups suck up all the resources, and then the individual can’t really get anywhere without conceding to a group. A certain standard of conformity to group norms is present no matter where you go, and just because there are a lot of local groups, doesn’t necessarily mean that any particular group will be a ‘natural fit’. It’s more than likely that a seeker of acceptance will have to compromise somehow to fit in, if they really value the group that much.
Indigenous elitism hasn’t helped that, either. Basically, the locals have set up this social mentality where the transplants are supposed to grovel for their acceptance. In other words, ‘Don’t think you are cool just because you are privileged enough to move to a hip town, buy a trendy condo, and have a metro office career: the indigenous natives will always be one up on you, socially. We get laid more often with a hotter and wider variety of girls, we get the best drugs, we get backstage at rock shows and free admission to dance clubs’, etc… basically, the locals try, through exclusive networking, to get the best of everything, and middle their crumbs, scraps, and leftovers to outsiders, the whole time sanctimoniously complaining about how their town is being destroyed by the same outsiders whose patronage locals have always depended upon, and a few have gotten or are getting rich from.
But the truth is, young professionals and college students come to Austin because they are strong and successful enough to leave their hometown, and go somewhere better. Native Austinites, on the other hand, stay here because they are too weak to leave, as most of them are dependent for money and social privilege upon the ‘college town hustle’, fed by a seemingly never-ending stream of transplants and students, who frequent tourist traps, are desperate to fit in, and easily bamboozled by a social environment that is alien to them.
It’s in-group/out-group politics at its worst, and the Internet has only exacerbated it. You want to be part of this group, you have to concede to this list of demands, one based on the idealism of the group, but the truth is no one person could ever possibly concede to all that. I can maybe get with you on A, B, and C, but not X, Y, and Z. But that’s not good enough for a lot of these divisively polarized groups. So they are merely encouraging you to feign compliance. And thus, the fakest people become accepted by the most groups.
And the locals are paranoid about that, too. Picture this: You move to a new place and try to be nice to everyone. The locals are so paranoid, they think you’re niceness is an act. They alienate you, because they are sure that ‘if we wait long enough, he will reveal his true nature’. So years of unreciprocated kindness go by, and eventually you give up on those people, and they say, ‘Just as we predicted.’
But this is like saying, ‘If we put this dog in a cage with no food long enough, it will eventually lose all civility.’ It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. And of course, the locals are always complaining, ‘Why can’t nicer people move here?’ but whenever the kind of idealistic, open-minded people the locals pine for actually come here, they get super-exploited by everyone until they are no longer nice or open-minded, and then, the locals who exploited them have the audacity to say: ‘What a prejudiced asshole’.
You’re not an asshole until you run out of money, and can no longer afford to buy the rounds for everyone, basically.
“You PC, brah?”
Bullies, whether conservative or liberal, kick your sandcastle down and steal your girl, and the only difference between them is the flag that they fly.
A recent episode of SouthPark shows how anything, even something as innocuous as ‘political correctness’ can be fraternized, or injected with fraternity practices. These groups always want to appear on the up-and-up, and often put a great deal of effort towards ‘keeping up appearances’, so that local authorities will think they have social conscience, but the clean gloves of false flags tend to hide the dirty hands of sinister motives. I think Southpark captured college town ‘liberal’ bro culture perfectly in this episode. Douchey bullies learn the SJW rhetoric from the Tumblrinas they chase, and adapt it to their own sinister purposes. Don’t think that alpha male d-bags have ‘gotten better’… They just stopped being so obviously bad.
And that’s really shitty for any liberal idealist, to see even progressive values be co-opted by these insincere, exploitative social groups. Their over-protective ‘feminism’ is merely a means of dominating local women, and alienating them from outsiders, their ‘anti-racism’ is merely a means of guilting white males into paying into their supposedly egalitarian ’causes’, their ‘homo-friendliness’ is merely a means of encouraging ‘bi-curious experimentation’ among college kids, often regretted later in life, and their ‘socialism’ is merely a means to be lazy mooches. In the ‘Body-Type Acceptance’ fraternity, they haze you by making you bang fat, ethnic, transgender ‘girls’ no one else wants, implying all the while that, if you’re lucky, in a few years, you’ll have climbed your way up the ladder, having paid your dues, will be dating a model, and getting pledges to bang her ugly friends. But the truth is, these kinds of social affiliations, ostensibly undertaken to ‘boost one’s local rep/cred’ will only end up dragging you down, and leeching your strength, time, energy, and money.
The bottom line: social capitalism is just as bad as financial capitalism. Just as in finance, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, the more socially established get more popular, and outsiders often find themselves ostracized, alienated, and marginalized. Under capitalism, your rights are commodified, but under communism, your rights are politicized. There’s a ‘pay it forward’ mentality pushed on newbs, but it’s really a scam, and I wouldn’t advise anyone to pay anything forward that they expect to eventually get back out. The locals’ acceptance is over-rated, they are screw-ups, and that’s exactly why their whole town is getting bulldozed to make way for condos marketed to outsiders.
And this is why I advise transplants to be extremely careful who you ‘pay dues’ to… Most of the time, it isn’t worth it. Do what you want to do, and let the group form around you. It’s likely that the group who wants you to endure their hazing, won’t last forever, so don’t pay into a social Ponzi scheme. They probably need you, or people like you, to be their suckers, more than you need them, or anything they can provide to you. At first with these people it’s ‘You aren’t cool enough to hang here newb,’ and then a few years later it’s, ‘Help, we’re going out of business, SAVE US!’ And all you can do in that situation is laugh.
People come to this town because they want to fit in, but they end up getting exploited and abused everywhere they go by local social establishments. Then those same exploitative social establishments whine and complain, ‘The outsiders are ruining this town!’ And I gotta say, I have zero sympathy. If I go out of my way to try to make friends with people, and all they do is exploit me for my troubles, that doesn’t make me crave their approval more, it just makes me think less of them. So it’s kind of hard to sympathize when they say that their self-entitled culture of exploiting newbs is dying. Good. I’m glad.
Austin has always had this attitude about college students like, ‘It doesn’t matter what you do for or against them because they aren’t going to be here in five years.’ And I think it’s highly ironic that the students and transplants can now say, of the local buildings and people, ‘It doesn’t matter what you do for or against them, because they won’t be here in five years.’ In other words: don’t pay dues to a club that’s on fire, or about to be bulldozed.
Read Chapter 35 and 36 of the novel Predestined Marriage free online.
Chapter 35
After Alyssa’s interview was over, she was entangled by “Luther”, and she had not been able to watch her interview.
She turned on the computer and checked the Internet, and found that many media outlets had issued press releases, and there were also many Twitter big V reprints.
Most people are scolding her, and some relatively sane netizens are deeply analyzing the words she answered.
“I’ve guessed that she was hyping, and those people who said she was poor before have their faces hurt?”
“It’s a big name, and she wears a mask when interviewing.”
“Only I think this female reporter’s words are cool?”
“I found out that she never admitted that she had robbed her sister’s fiance…”
Seeing this last comment, Alyssa couldn’t help but smile.
She deliberately avoided seriousness and didn’t answer that question. Once she admitted that she had robbed Isabel’s fiance, who would know if Isabel would be bitten by Isabel’s fiancé and trouble her again?
Alyssa continued to scroll down the comments with rare interest.
“Is this year’s drama a series? I don’t have enough melons to eat. I will go buy some more… I look forward to the next episode.
When Alyssa saw the Adams’ family’s face clearly, she didn’t intend to obey them as before, so this matter was endless.
Before long, all the online comments about Alyssa’s interview suddenly turned into scolding her.
Alyssa knew that this was Isabel looking for revenge.
She didn’t care about Isabel’s little gesture.
Isabel herself was not clean. They lived under the same roof, and it was too easy to catch Isabel’s black material.
Let Hunt’s family be proud of one day, and she will release all these black materials tomorrow.
She wants to make Isabel, no matter how-it is not white!
After reviewing the comments for a while, Alyssa logged into the mailbox and found that there was an unread email in it.
When she opened it, she was stunned.
It turned out to be an interview invitation from AdamPic Media!
Did she submit a resume to AdamPic Media?
She went to the mailbox and checked it several times, confirming that she had not submitted a resume to AdamPic Media, and she was puzzled.
Suddenly, she remembered that “Luther” took her to have dinner with Peter Grant…
She glanced at the time the email was sent, it was nine o’clock in the morning, and she was being interviewed.
After thinking about it, she decided to ask “Luther”.
Exploit Me Are Cool Mist
In the hall, Karl sat on the sofa and played games.
Smith stood behind him to answer the phone and turned on the speakerphone.
Peter Grant’s frantic voice came on the phone: “I just went out to have a meal with you. When I went back to the company, the directors were going to shake the sky. Tell him, if he doesn’t come, I will really go to the rooftop. Jumped off the building.”
Smith glanced at Karl who was playing a game, and said calmly, “Master, he is very busy.”
Peter Grant certainly didn’t believe it: “He’s a sh!t! What is he doing? You open the video and let me see him!”
At this moment, Karl said aloud: “Go on.”
Smith’s mouth twitched, Master Grant was deliberately mad!
He had to open the video, and turned on the rear camera.
When Peter Grant saw Karl playing games, he jumped up and choked his neck and said, “I’m going to be killed by those old guys in the company, so you can sit at home and play games leisurely!”
“Yeah,” Karl replied, and with a casual glance, he found that Alyssa had come downstairs.
He immediately gave Smith a look, and he turned off the hands-free with a comprehension: “Mr. Grant, I’ll hang up first.”
Peter Grant also saw Alyssa come down in the video just now. He is now too curious about Alyssa and Karl, and immediately threatened Smith: “If you dare to hang me up, I will die!”
Smith knew that even if he hung up, Peter Grant wouldn’t really die, but he still didn’t hang up the phone for the first time, and the video was still open.
Alyssa saw “Luther” in the hall on the corridor on the second floor, so she came down to look for him, and only saw Smith there when she approached.
However, Smith had been typing with his mobile phone, with a very focused look. Without looking here, she walked towards “Luther” with confidence.
She sat down opposite “Luther”, “I want to ask you something.”
Karl just raised his eyes, then lowered his head to continue playing the game: “What’s the matter?”
She deliberately said, “Are you familiar with Mr. Grant from AdamPic Media?”
Karl’s hand movement paused, because of the two-second pause, the character under his control in the game was killed by the enemy.
He casually threw the phone aside and looked at Alyssa with a smile: “Why, do you like him?”
Alyssa frowned: “Can you speak well?”
Karl stretched out his arms and put them on the back of the sofa. He leaned back, looking a little scornful: “Sit next to me first.”
“Forget it.” Alyssa got up and left.
Within two steps, she heard Karl’s low voice: “You are looking for a job recently. It’s because of the invitation letter.”
Alyssa stopped abruptly and looked back at him with a look of surprise: “How do you know?”
“Peter mentioned to me that the company needs fresh blood to join, so some college graduates have selected some people to join the company.”
After Karl finished speaking, a pair of black eyes fell on her, looked her up and down, and then frowned, “Have you also received an interview invitation from their company?”
Although his expression hasn’t changed much, Alyssa clearly read “contempt” from his expression.
She pursed her lips, and said without a smile: “I’m not happy to go yet.”
After speaking, she left without looking back.
Karl squinted slightly and watched her back disappear to the top of the stairs, and remained in the same position for a while.
Where does this ugly woman have the confidence to challenge him?
When she got acquainted with Karl, it was obvious that the atmosphere was stagnant, and the young master seemed to be angry.
His scalp tightened and he lowered his head to hang up, only to find that Peter didn’t know when he had already hanged up first.
The next moment, a cell phone ringing rang in the hall.
Karl took a look at his mobile phone and found that Peter had called.
Karl answered the phone and said coldly, “If you want to jump off the building, just go directly without notifying me.”
Who knows, Peter on the other end burst out a very magical laugh like a pervert: “Hahahahaha… let you exploit me so often, you open a back door with your wife, and people are not willing to enter. Are you particularly angry now, hahaha…”
“I feel so happy when I think of you being so angry now, I can’t stop laughing…”
Karl curled his lips and said gloomily: “I won’t go to the company until my wife joins AdamPic Media.”
Peter suddenly froze: “I was wrong…”
His response was the busy tone that the phone was hung up.
Chapter 36
Adams’ family Villa.
Isabel leaned on the sofa and flipped through her phone. She spent money to scramble Alyssa’s interview to the top of the topic list, and bought a large number of PR men to scold Alyssa below, even those web pages that had different opinions. Also began to rebel.
She always felt that she would be photographed by paparazzi before, and she must have nothing to do with Alyssa.
Seeing Alyssa being scolded now, she couldn’t be more happy.
Even if they were secretly photographed by paparazzi, the content of their conversations in the video was nothing more than verbal statements, but Alyssa admitted in front of the media that she was hyping.
With that ugly woman, I want to fight her too!
After Isabel went to the Internet for a while, she went to bed contentedly.
However, when she slept until midnight, something changed.
A friend who usually has a good relationship with her called her: “Isabel, someone just broke some of your videos and photos, and they have been fired to the top spot. What is going on? Are you offending someone? ?”
When Isabel heard “videos and photos”, she had an unclear feeling in her heart.
She grabbed her hair irritably and turned on the phone to surf the Internet.
Everyone on the Internet is discussing her.
Indecent photos and videos about her have gone viral on the Internet.
Although the Hunt family didn’t look enough in front of the Adams’ family, it was still a small well-known company. There are many women from good backgrounds in Isabel’s circle who are playing crazy.
On the surface, it looks like a lady, but in fact, she plays with men behind the back, knocks drugs, and does everything.
Isabel shook her hands and muttered, “How could this be…”
Many netizens sent her private messages to scold her.
“b!tch! Shameless!”
“There is still the face to let your sister go out to clarify the top pot!”
She was trembling with anger and scolded them all.
Suddenly, she thought of Norris.
It is midnight, and Norris must not have time to watch these videos and photos.
If Norris saw them, they would be finished.
She put on her clothes and knocked on Colin’s door: “Dad, you help me remove the hot search…”
On the other side, Alyssa was lying on the bed holding the computer and chatting with Tina on video.
Tina was a school bully when she went to school, and now she is a celebrity who is cautious in her words and deeds.
She read the comments of those netizens excitedly.
“I’ve long felt that Isabel is not a good show. There are still so many people helping her wash the floor!”
“She looks pretty lady, I didn’t expect her to be so sl*tty!”
“I have a conspiracy theory. I think the reason why her sister will marry into Adams’ family is because the Adams’ family knows that Isabel is messing around outside. I heard that her sister is not good-looking, but she is clean and looks good with a bus. Like a car, who dares to ask for it?”
Tina also felt that this comment made sense: “Alyssa, I think this netizen has made a lot of sense. Do you think the Adams’ family really knew about Isabel’s troublesome things?”
Alyssa frowned slightly, she had never thought of this reason before.
She smiled and said, “Anyway, this situation is now in Isabel’s arms. She can be with Norris without any pressure.”
Tina and Norris have a bit of a tail to the relatives. She sneered and said, “Although Norris is mentally retarded, he probably doesn’t have a hobby of marrying a bus.”
Because she was dragged by Tina to chat in the middle of the night, Alyssa got up a little later than usual the next morning.
She turned on the computer and found that the hot search for Isabel’s indecent photos and videos had been taken down.
The previous hashtags have all turned black.
No need to guess, she knew that this must be Colin’s handwriting.
Since childhood, Colin spoke to her only a handful of times, but he really loved Isabel.
What if the hot search is removed? Many netizens who are not too busy have taken screenshots. One pass ten, ten pass a hundred, this matter simply cannot be suppressed.
As soon as she finished washing and changing clothes, she received a call from Tina.
Tina said in a voice that was about to explode: “The hot bus search on the internet has been taken down, I am going to buy the hot search and send it up again!”
The name Tina gave to Isabel was changed to bus.
Alyssa calmed her: “Don’t be impulsive, Isabel is now dark. You have a new movie released recently, and the attention will definitely increase by then. If it is dug out by someone, that you bought a hot search, it will not affect you.”
Tina reluctantly said “Oh”, and then said: “Come out for a meal, I will be back to the crew tomorrow, I will pick you up.”
“it is good.”
When Alyssa passed by Karl’s study, she involuntarily stopped.
She didn’t see Karl yesterday, and she didn’t know if “Luther” said that he was angry.
Suddenly, the study door was opened from inside.
Alyssa reflexively took a short step back, and as soon as she looked up, she faced the expressionless face of “Luther”.
She was taken aback, and asked, “Your cousin… is he there?”
“What’s wrong with him?” Karl closed the door, leaning against the door frame to look at her.
His complexion was a bit white, and he looked boring, but his dark eyes were still deep.
Alyssa shook her head: “Nothing.”
When she finished speaking, she turned and went downstairs.
Suddenly, there was a muffled sound of heavy objects hitting the ground behind.
Alyssa turned her head and saw “Luther” who had been standing steadily before, had fallen to the ground.
Alyssa ran back, trying to help him up: “Luther, what’s wrong with you?”
Although she hates him very much, it is impossible to just watch him and ignore him.
Looking closer, she realized that his face was scary white, his eyes lightly gazing, and his long eyelashes lined up like a fan to cast a shadow under his eyes, and the whole person looked much more obedient.
She reached out to touch his forehead, it was very hot.
“Luther” was a tall man of nearly 1.9 meters. She couldn’t help at all. She ran to the top of the stairs and shouted, “Is anyone there? Come up. Luther fainted.”
A bodyguard came up immediately and took Karl to the room.
A doctor came to see him soon.
Alyssa stood by and watched them rushing around. She didn’t see Karl coming. She thought there was nothing wrong with her, so she wanted to leave.
Smith hurried in from outside and saw Alyssa going away, and immediately stopped her: “Young lady, can you stay and take care of the young master?”
This “Young Master” sounded strange to Alyssa, but she didn’t think much about it.
“But, I have something else.” Alyssa took a look at the time, predicting that Tina is coming soon.
“Mom, no, please…”
Karl on the bed suddenly started talking silly.
Alyssa turned her head, and saw the frightened and lost expression on his face, his jaw was tight, and he looked a little fragile.
She finally nodded softly.
Exploit Me Are Cool Enough
There is no maid in the villa, and these bodyguards are careless and can’t take care of him.